All functions |
The Bernoulli-geometric distribution |
The Discrete Burr Hatke family |
The DGEII distribution |
The discrete Inverted Kumaraswamy family |
The Discrete Lindley family |
The DMOLBE family |
Discrete power-Ailamujia distribution |
The GGEO family |
The hyper Poisson family |
The hyper Poisson family (with mu as mean) |
The Discrete Poisson XLindley |
Sum of One-Dimensional Functions |
Bernoulli-geometric distribution |
The Discrete Burr Hatke distribution |
Discrete generalized exponential distribution - a second type |
The discrete Inverted Kumaraswamy distribution |
The Discrete Lindley distribution |
The DMOLBE distribution |
The DsPA distribution |
The GGEO distribution |
The hyper-Poisson distribution |
The hyper-Poisson distribution (with mu as mean) |
Function to obtain the dHYPERPO for a single value x |
Function to obtain the dHYPERPO for a vector x |
The Discrete Poisson XLindley |
estim_mu_sigma_DsPA |
Function to obtain F11 with C++. |
grazing dataset |
logLik_DsPA This is an auxiliar function to obtain the logLik for DsPA |
Mean and variance for hyper-Poisson distribution |
Draw the CDF for a discrete random variable |