The function DsPA()
defines the Discrete
dDsPA(x, mu, sigma, log = FALSE)
pDsPA(q, mu, sigma, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
qDsPA(p, mu = 1, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rDsPA(n, mu, sigma)
vector of (non-negative integer) quantiles.
vector of the mu parameter.
vector of the sigma parameter.
logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are \(P[X <= x]\), otherwise, \(P[X > x]\).
vector of probabilities.
number of random values to return.
gives the density, pDsPA
gives the distribution
function, qDsPA
gives the quantile function.
The DsPA distribution with parameters \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) has a support 0, 1, 2, ...
Note:in this implementation we changed the original parameters \(\beta\) and \(\lambda\) for \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) respectively, we did it to implement this distribution within gamlss framework.
Alghamdi, A. S., Ahsan-ul-Haq, M., Babar, A., Aljohani, H. M., Afify, A. Z., & Cell, Q. E. (2022). The discrete power-Ailamujia distribution: properties, inference, and applications. AIMS Math, 7(5), 8344-8360.
# Example 1
# Plotting the mass function for different parameter values
x_max <- 30
probs1 <- dDsPA(x=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.5)
probs2 <- dDsPA(x=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.7)
probs3 <- dDsPA(x=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.9)
# To plot the first k values
plot(x=0:x_max, y=probs1, type="o", lwd=2, col="dodgerblue", las=1,
ylab="P(X=x)", xlab="X", main="Probability for DsPA",
ylim=c(0, 0.40))
points(x=0:x_max, y=probs2, type="o", lwd=2, col="tomato")
points(x=0:x_max, y=probs3, type="o", lwd=2, col="green4")
legend("topright", col=c("dodgerblue", "tomato", "green4"), lwd=3,
legend=c("mu=1.2, sigma=0.5",
"mu=1.2, sigma=0.7",
"mu=1.2, sigma=0.9"))
# Example 2
# Checking if the cumulative curves converge to 1
x_max <- 15
cumulative_probs1 <- pDsPA(q=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.5)
cumulative_probs2 <- pDsPA(q=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.7)
cumulative_probs3 <- pDsPA(q=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.9)
plot(x=0:x_max, y=cumulative_probs1, col="dodgerblue",
type="o", las=1, ylim=c(0, 1),
main="Cumulative probability for DsPA",
xlab="X", ylab="Probability")
points(x=0:x_max, y=cumulative_probs2, type="o", col="tomato")
points(x=0:x_max, y=cumulative_probs3, type="o", col="green4")
legend("bottomright", col=c("dodgerblue", "tomato", "green4"), lwd=3,
legend=c("mu=1.2, sigma=0.5",
"mu=1.2, sigma=0.7",
"mu=1.2, sigma=0.9"))
# Example 3
# Comparing the random generator output with
# the theoretical probabilities
x_max <- 50
probs1 <- dDsPA(x=0:x_max, mu=1.2, sigma=0.9)
names(probs1) <- 0:x_max
x <- rDsPA(n=1000, mu=1.2, sigma=0.9)
probs2 <- prop.table(table(x))
cn <- union(names(probs1), names(probs2))
height <- rbind(probs1[cn], probs2[cn])
mp <- barplot(height, beside=TRUE, names.arg=cn,
col=c("dodgerblue3","firebrick3"), las=1,
xlab="X", ylab="Proportion")
legend=c("Theoretical", "Simulated"),
bty="n", lwd=3,
col=c("dodgerblue3","firebrick3"), lty=1)
# Example 4
# Checking the quantile function
mu <- 1.2
sigma <- 0.9
p <- seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.01)
qxx <- qDsPA(p=p, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
plot(p, qxx, type="s", lwd=2, col="green3", ylab="quantiles",
main="Quantiles of DsPA(mu=1.2, sigma=0.9)")