This function obtains the probability for the Bivariate Poisson distribution under the parameterization of Geoffroy et. al (2021).
dBP_Geoffroy(x, l1, l2, mu, log = FALSE)
rBP_Geoffroy(n, l1, l2, mu)
vector or matrix of quantiles. When x
is a matrix,
each row is taken to be a quantile and columns correspond to the number of dimensions p
mean for \(Z_1\) variable with Poisson distribution.
mean for \(Z_2\) variable with Poisson distribution.
mean for \(U\) variable with Poisson distribution.
logical; if TRUE
, densities d are given as log(d).
number of random observations.
Returns the density for a given data x
Kouakou, K. J. G., Hili, O., & Dupuy, J. F. (2021). Estimation in the zero-inflated bivariate Poisson model with an application to health-care utilization data. Afrika Statistika, 16(2), 2767-2788.
# Example 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Probability for single values of X1 and X2
dBP_Geoffroy(c(0, 0), l1=3, l2=4, mu=1)
#> [1] 0.0003354626
dBP_Geoffroy(c(1, 0), l1=3, l2=4, mu=1)
#> [1] 0.001006388
dBP_Geoffroy(c(0, 1), l1=3, l2=4, mu=1)
#> [1] 0.001341851
# Probability for a matrix the values of X1 and X2
x <- matrix(c(0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 1), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 0 0
#> [2,] 1 0
#> [3,] 0 1
dBP_Geoffroy(x=x, l1=3, l2=4, mu=1)
#> [1] 0.0003354626 0.0010063879 0.0013418505
# Checking if the probabilities sum 1
val_x1 <- val_x2 <- 0:50
space <- expand.grid(val_x1, val_x2)
space <- as.matrix(space)
l1 <- 3
l2 <- 4
mu <- 5
probs <- dBP_Geoffroy(x=space, l1=l1, l2=l2, mu=mu)
#> [1] 1
# Example 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Heat map for a BP_Geoffroy
l1 <- 1
l2 <- 2
mu <- 4
X1 <- 0:10
X2 <- 0:10
data <- expand.grid(X1=X1, X2=X2)
data$Prob <- dBP_Geoffroy(x=data, l1=l1, l2=l2, mu=mu)
data$X1 <- factor(data$X1)
data$X2 <- factor(data$X2)
ggplot(data, aes(X1, X2, fill=Prob)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradient(low="darkgreen", high="pink")
# Example 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Generating random values and moment estimations
l1 <- 1
l2 <- 2
mu <- 4
x <- rBP_Geoffroy(n=500, l1, l2, mu)
#> l1_hat l2_hat mu_hat
#> 1.4537 2.3617 3.5223
# Example 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Estimating the parameters using the loglik function
# Loglik function
llBP_Geoffroy <- function(param, x) {
l1 <- param[1] # param: is the parameter vector
l2 <- param[2]
mu <- param[3]
sum(dBP_Geoffroy(x=x, l1=l1, l2=l2, mu=mu, log=TRUE))
# The known parameters
l1 <- 1
l2 <- 2
mu <- 4
x <- rBP_Geoffroy(n=500, l1=l1, l2=l2, mu=mu)
# To obtain reasonable values for mu
theta <- as.numeric(moments_estim_BP_Geoffroy(x))
#> [1] 0.7746 1.6526 4.4574
start_param <- theta
names(start_param) <- c("l1_hat", "l2_hat", "mu_hat")
# Estimating parameters
res1 <- optim(fn = llBP_Geoffroy,
par = start_param,
lower = c(0.001, 0.001, 0.001),
upper = c( Inf, Inf, Inf),
method = "L-BFGS-B",
control = list(maxit=100000, fnscale=-1),
#> $par
#> l1_hat l2_hat mu_hat
#> 0.8505074 1.7285063 4.3814917
#> $value
#> [1] -2043.163
#> $counts
#> function gradient
#> 9 9
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message